Science center to open soon in Samoa
The Imagine Science and Technology Center in Samoa will soon open and is expected to boost interest among students to take up science.
The concept behind the project initially started in 2009 and was to cater for families, students and educators.
The goal of the project is to get people of all ages to enjoy the experience and contribute to developing interest in science among children and young people, in terms of their critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, imagination, creativity and innovative thinking.
The project was initiated by the Education and Science Foundation and Charitable Trust – which will evolve into an independent educational institution working in partnership with the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture.
Imagine Samoa Director, Ruth Moghbelpour, told the Samoa Observer that to get more Samoan students to take up science subjects it was agreed that a science center is created which families can visit with their children to undertake hands-on experiments.
“We have eighteen standalone science exhibits,” she said in an interview.
“We are going to develop that and start that as a foundation for a science center. I got to find people who are interested in science and understand it and are willing to help.
“Just give their time to put together fun, interactive, exciting science exhibits plus an area for S.T.E.M [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] subjects.”
According to Mrs. Moghbelpour they are going to focus on pre-school and primary school students.
"Because once they've gone into high school they have already chosen their subjects."
“The initial funding for last year 2019, 2020 and 2021, The Science Circus Pacific with Australian Aid money is helping us with a lot of programmes."
Science Circus Pacific was responsible for sending over personnel last year and training them with basics and teaching kids how to present science subjects.
They have also received funding from the Direct Aid Programme through the Australian High Commission which Mrs. Moghbelpour has indicated will go towards establishing the center.
She reiterated they will start the center at the Imagine Samoa's current office at Selprize Ltd at Vaitele, for people who might be able to assist with funding in order to see the potential of the center.
The group said it is thankful for the funding received from the Australian Aid programme, which is making the vision of nurturing an interest in science, technology and innovation in the younger generations of Samoa, become a reality.