Family troubled by heavy rainfall
Every time it rains, Alalafaga Lima and her family pray the bad weather does not worsen, and that it eventually stops.
Their home on the west coast of Upolu is over 30 kilometres from Apia through the wain west coast road. The property has an open plan design with a corrugated iron roof that is held up by wooden posts. Its “wall” is made from cardboard boxes, barbed wires and torn tarpaulins to stop the rain from entering.
On Saturday morning, the mother of four was cooking a meal for her young children when the Village Voice team visited their home.
“I know that the rain is essential for our survival because we need to store it but it causes troubles for us with a leaked roof and not enough tarpaulins,” she said. “We recently moved here to my husband’s family, it has not been easy to adapt with no stable income to provide for their daily needs.
Like a lot of Samoans without any form of employment, the couple are now working the land, which they rely on for food and income.
“My husband and I are both unemployed however; we depend on the sea and plantation for food supplies and source of income,” Ms Lima added. “The fish caught by husband will be sold to get some money and he only goes out fishing twice a week which can fetch $80 a week to buy food for the children.”
Ms. Lima also shared that her children are young with only two attending school.
“There are times we struggle with financial support to send our children to school and buying necessities needed for school,” she added. “We do not have our water supply and there are more than four families using our neighbours toilet and shower because there is absolutely no way we can fund it.
“Our main concern is a proper home while there are so many other issues we face but I only wish my children could have a safe and comfortable home.”
If you are willing to help the family of Ms. Lima, please contact the number 7244304.