Family's plea for better living conditions

While others drift off to sleep on a soft bed, Sina Lagafuaina’s family of four can only dream of doing the same.
Mrs. Lagafuaina was doing her daily chores when the Village Voice team visited her house.
The home of Mrs. Lagafuaina is situated on the North West coast of the island of Upolu, over 44 kilometres from Apia via the Main West Coast Road.
The mother-of-two has lived for more than a year with her husband and children in their small house built with a thatched roof.
The family’s home can only be accessed through a dirt road which goes inland and is located away from the main road surrounded by a plantation.
“My family’s main concern is our living conditions,” she said.
She added that her worries are for the welfare of her children because the family sleeps on hard surfaces where insects can crawl on the mats when they are sleeping.
“We cannot afford to build a proper home due to financial difficulties.
“As a mother it breaks my heart that I do not have the riches in the world to provide a better home, I don’t care about where I sleep but if I know my children are sleeping comfortably then I can sleep better at night.”
The 26-year-old stated that another burden is that the roof of their home leaks during rainy days and it makes it difficult for their family to sleep.
“Another concern is security because the home was built openly with no doors and so I always sleep with the mindset that someone might just come inside our house and harm not only myself but my young children.”
The family of Mrs. Lagafuaina does not have access to water.
“We fetch buckets of water from neighbours because we have never had access to water - our family depends on neighbour’s for water supply,” she said.
“I am also ashamed to admit that we do not have our own toilet we have to use our neighbour’s restroom which we is also used by more than two other families.
Her husband is the breadwinner of the family and he earns around a $100 a week to cater for their needs.
“The money we receive is mostly allocated for food supplies and church obligations.
“My daily chores include waking up early to prepare breakfast for my little ones like making tea with some crackers and noodles – I am in charge of cooking so I make sure my family has a meal even if it is not much.
“We thank God that we have food and each other as a family.”
If you are willing to help the family of Mrs. Lagafuaina please contact the number: 7245907.