Saint Mary's Old Girls Association gives to Mapuifagalele

By Talaia Mika 26 April 2020, 12:00PM

The Home of the Elderly at Mapuifagalele is the recipient of another lot of donations, this time from the Saint Mary’s Old Girls Association (S.M.O.G.A.) membership.

The Association donated $T6,500 in financial support to the aged care facility last Friday with the Little Sisters of the Poor representatives Sisters Maureen and Lucy accepting the donation on behalf of their Sister-in-Charge, Sister Alosia.

The Association President, Vernia Mah Yuen, told the Samoa Observer in an interview that all their members agreed to contribute after the plight of the aged care facility was revealed in a Samoa Observer article early last week.

"I've read the Tuesday paper and contacted everyone through our executive chat group and we finalised our plans and decided to donate whatever we can collect by Saturday,” she said.

"It wasn’t just members of the S.M.O.G.A. we also had friends who are non members give in and donated things. We want to help our elders and the Little Sisters of the poor and their call for help.”

Other people who are not members of the Association also chipped in to assist friends who are members.

According to the Association’s President, they would have exceeded their total donation on Saturday if they were to wait for others who were willing to contribute.

“We are looking into donating annually for our elderly home, it's not much but I hope what we donated will help them with whatever they need. If we waited for everyone to contribute, I’m sure this would not have been our total donation, some of the old girls overseas weren't able to help because of the (COVID-19) lockdown.”

By Talaia Mika 26 April 2020, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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