Last dozen corona virus tests negative: P.M.

The Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi, has confirmed the last 12 outstanding suspected samples of coronavirus patients in Samoa have all tested negative.
Tuilaepa said the test results for the swabs that were taken from the quarantined patients before an emergency medical flight to New Zealand on Tuesday last week were received late on Thursday evening.
“It is good news and it coincides with the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” he said during his 2AP programme on Saturday.
“The Director General of Health and his staff had not slept well while waiting for the results in case it came back positive and we would have to trace those that were in contact with suspects.
“Because all of the cases [being reported] were contracted by those that traveled and it is good news that none of our cases are positive.”
Now that the last 12 samples have come back negative and the 259 travelers quarantined for 14 days have been cleared, Tuilaepa is confident that Samoa is safe from COVID-19.
“There are 15 countries [including Samoa] that are free from the deadly virus,” he said.
“It is important that we comply with preventative measures by keeping 2 meters away from each other for social distance and to stay at home.”
The tests’ arrival leaves only a remaining group of Samoans in quarantine as a measure to stop the virus’ spread.
Tuilaepa pointed out the last 17 passengers on the Lady Samoa II will have their 14 days quarantined expired by Tuesday next week.
From the report that he has received, he said the crew members are well and it is only a matter of time until they can reunite with their families.
In terms of the testing kits for Samoa, he assured that the test kits should arrive by the end of the month enabling the health authorities to conduct testing in the country.