Catholic Church to televise Holy Week mass

The Catholic Church will begin televising all Holy Week mass this week, starting onHoly Thursday.
The Head of the Church in Samoa, Archbishop Alapati Lui Mataeliga, announced the schedule of the church for the Holy Week through the church media.
"The Holy Thursday service will be televised," he said.
"However, the usual Catholic ritual that is done during this service which is the washing of the feet will not be happening. On Good Friday the Stations of the Cross will not be done the way it has always been done, where the faithfuls will walk the way of the cross till they reach the 14th Station. However, it will be done inside every chapel with only five people involved," he said.
The mass will be televised on the TV Upu Mana platform for all church faithful to participate from their own homes.
"For other masses during the Holy Week it will all be televised for the sake of our faithfuls, we will seek the Lord's help in times of crisis," the Archbishop added.
The TV Upumana TV4 will live stream their mass on their Facebook page as well for those who can access the live streaming.
According to some of the Catholic faithfuls, they agree with the setup as they understand it's a precaution against coronavirus (COVID-19).
"It is for our safety as well, I know it will not be the same having to watch a televise service but we have to participate because this is an important event for me as a Catholic believer," said Tuanai Tomisi, who is a Catholic faithful from Sinamoga.