U.S.P. extends deadline on various programmes
The University of South Pacific’s Alafua Campus has extended its deadline for enrolment in various programmes in the 2020 academic year.
This was confirmed by the Alafua-based Coordinator for Pacific Technical and Further Education (PacTAFE), Magele Vernon Mackenzie, on Friday.
He said the deadline has been extended for the Preliminary and Foundation programme, PacTAFE, Post Graduate Diploma In Business Management and the Professional Diploma of Public Sector Management.
Students keen on enrolling in the Preliminary and Foundation program have until Friday, February 7 while PacTAFE applicants now have until February 14.
Those who want to take on the Post Graduate Diploma In Business Management now have a deadline of Monday, February 3 while potential students of the new Professional Diploma of Public Sector Management have until February 28.
The Post Graduate Diploma In Business Management and Professional Diploma of Public Sector Management are both offered on a cohort basis, according to Magele.
The PacTAFE programs are strategically amalgamated and integrated learning and teaching section, which offer high quality skills-based qualifications, Foundation as well as Preliminary studies.
According to the U.S.P. official, the programmes provide employment opportunities at entry and paraprofessional levels, pathways for higher studies at USP where approved, and career advancement for working people. The five learning and teaching units are: College of Business and Commerce; College of Tourism and Hospitality; College of Arts and Humanities; and College of Science, Technology and Environment.
The regional composition of staff and students, augmented by colleagues and students from outside the Pacific region gives PacTAFE a healthy diversity of nationalities, religions, cultures, ethnic groups and languages.
PacTAFE Chief Executive Officer, Dr Hasmukh Lal, said in a promotion that their program strives to bring internationally certified programmes in partnerships with international agencies to meet specific skills demand, which may not at times necessarily be met by university-accredited programmes.