Family of 12 can do with some help

A family of 12 from Falefa – who sleep on a rocky floor covered with an old vinyl sheet – can do with some help for them to cement floor of their house as well as to get a water tank.
The home of Visesio Malaefono Misa is located on the east coast road of Upolu Island approximately 23.8 km from Apia, the nation's capital.
The 69-year-old father lives with his son and daughter and their spouses and children in a house which gets battered during bad weather.
Their house is made of iron roofing and wooden posts with tarpaulins and pieces of material acting as walls to stop the rain from entering during rainy days.
“One of the main problems that our family faces is the condition of our home,” Misa said.
The elderly father of seven added that the home is a year old and was built with materials gathered from relatives, as they could not afford to buy building material.
“During rainy days it is hard for our family to block the rain from getting inside the house, so we either use sheets and the tarpaulins that we can use for two sides of the house," he said.
“I wish I had a lot of money so I can build a better home for my grandchildren, there are seven living with us because the two couples are my son and daughter with their children. The floor is rocky so it is very uncomfortable to sleep at night but the children are young.”
He also added that another daily challenge his family faces is inaccessibility to water supply.
“You see, our family recently moved to where we are now but we have been told by other families living in our area that water supplied through Samoa Water Authority cannot reach our homes.
“The water connection process could not come far because before there were no families, but we heard that some families requested for water reconnection but are waiting just like us.
“They depend mostly on rain water but during days when there is no rain my son has to travel to families four times a day to fill up buckets with water.”
Misa said that the buckets of water are also used for bathing, cooking as well as other use.
“Our family depends on our plantation for survival in terms of food supplies. A lot of problems are financially because there is no one employed within our home," he added.
“My son-in-law tries his best to find some labour work that pays daily and if we are lucky we could get $120 but that will be used of expenses such as supplies and electricity bills.”
If you are willing to help the family of Mr. Misa please contact the number 7744329.