Methodist service honours retiring Ministers, welcomes the newly ordained

A church service was held to ordain thirteen new Methodist Ministers and also to bid farewell to four long-serving Ministers at the Methodist Church at Faleula yesterday.
The service was held on the last day of the annual Methodist Conference, which has been ongoing for the past week.
The newly ordained ministers include: Reverend Feli Seve, Rev. Latu Malaesaili, Rev. Nonu Tui Fatu Savaii, Rev. Fiaalii Mata’u, Rev. Poutasi Tali, Rev. Iosefa Mavaeao, Rev. Sosaia Pese, Rev. Samu Jnr. Amituana’i, Rev. Panapa Malaki, Rev. Sione Lokeni, Rev. Asu Pele, Rev. Salu Aiolupo, and Rev. Ioane Leilua.
The outgoing President of the Methodist Church, Rev. Apineru Lafai, was among the Ministers who have retired together with: Rev. Fosi Tuumatavai and his wife Maupenei Tuumatavai; Rev. Ioane Venitura Taeao and his wife, Tala’i Tauanu’u; and Rev. Urima Fa’asi’i and his wife, Fogavai Faasi’i.
During the service, the newly appointed President of the Methodist Church, Rev. Faulalo Leti, told the new Ministers that the obstacles awaiting them could be compared to the looming presence of a giant, like Goliath from the Bible.
“When we talk about the story of David and Goliath, we know that Goliath came with a sharp spear but David said: ‘I come to you in the name of the Lord the God of Israel.’
“With that being said, we are not worthy and perfect which is why we need God who represents victory and can turn the impossibilities into possibilities.
“The message that I want to relay for us all is: Do you know who you are? And I can ask myself the same question and to all the members of the Methodist church: Do you know who you are?"
He also addressed a question to the Samoan people, whose country is founded under God: “Do you all know who you are?”
“During difficult times in our line of work, we may forget who we are, you may forget you are a preacher or a leader for families to follow and at times we forget we are Ministers who are shepherds of God's flock.
“Your role is to gather the flock that has been dispersed and give them life through the word of God.
"And, if the flocks do not have life, it is because you have forgotten that you are a shepherd who has been called and chosen by God to the life of preaching his word.
“David knew the God of Israel will protect him and so we must protect God’s work and most importantly have love in all that we do no matter the hardships because God’s love has forgiveness.”