"Heavens are open over Samoa"

The heavens are open over Samoa and the oceanic region. And there are better things to come, with the future greater than the past.
That's according to a pioneer in the Prophetic Movement and the author of a popular book written to raise a new generation of leaders across the nations, Prophet Dr. Jonathan David.
The author of the “Apostolic Strategies Affecting Nations” book, Dr. Jonathan is in Samoa with his wife Reverend Helen David. They spoke during the Double Decade of Open Heavens Conference hosted by the Apia Harvest Centre Church, Togafuafua. It ended yesterday.
He said that, the heavens are open, “so that in the days to come Samoa will become like a bottle to receive more men and women and save them from the destruction of sin, sickness and death.”
The 60-year-old has been ministering for 40 years and is the founder and senior pastor of All Nations Sanctuary (formerly Full Gospel Centre) Muar, a governing kingdom church in Muar, Johor, Malaysia.
Speaking to the media during a press conference, he said that Samoa is special in the sight of God.
“We believe that Samoa is one of the hotspots of God’s move around this Pacific region," he said.
"When I arrived it was just amazing to see how hungry the church is for what God is saying in this hour and many of them are feeling strong and anointed with fresh grace to touch the lives of the nation.
“I believe that we have come into a season in God that is bringing supernatural blessings in the life of the church as well as a nation, God will restore every spec of light.
“During the conference, people were beginning to hear what God is saying about their nation and taking personal responsibilities for the transformation of cities.”
Dr. Jonathan said he sensed God will raise people up so that they can vocalise their conviction on what they believe.
“The days are coming when all kinds of lies and false words (will be said) but the church will fight through and find a place to supernaturally participate with God and here in the conference when they hear the word, by hearing the word of God that is faith coming into their hearts.
“There are better things to come for Samoa and the future will be greater than the past."
He added that the conference to him means bringing God’s clear word to the nation.
"One of the strongest prophecies that I received for this nation is that the Samoans are spread across the nations of the world, they travelled because they thought that there’s no future in this region, many of them have travelled out but they are doing well, and these people are going to return so that they can rebuild this nation and make it better and we want to see Samoa be greater," he said.
A conference participant, Reverend Cyrus, from Kuala Lumpur said that the church must play an active role in society.
“We have twice a year more than 30 nations that come to Malaysia for conferences," he said. So there is a very international feel, they come to be trained and equipped to see how the church can take an active role in society because for so long the church has become very spiritual but not useful to society.
“The message that God has sent his prophet Dr. Jonathan and his wife is a very unique message, calling the church to go beyond the walls of the church to equip people in the church to influence the nation.
“Churches are divided because we are focusing on the inside but I think the uniqueness of this conference is that we as always, try to get everybody on the same page when we say let’s change the nation together so I think because Dr. Jonathan David is a prophet, he is bringing word from the future,” he added.
He also said that in order for a nation to change they should look towards the future and the starting point is what God is saying.
Pastor Inu Amosa Pouoa, an Assistant Pastor of the Apia Harvest Centre Church, said the connection between the heavens and the earth is the relationship of God with his church but many times the church is not doing its duties so that this connection is kept alive.
Dr. David is the Founder and Senior Pastor of All Nations Sanctuary, formerly Full Gospel Centre Muar, Johor, Malaysia. He is the presiding Apostle of the International Strategic Alliance of Apostolic Churches (I.S.A.A.C.), a network of governing churches and ministers across the nations – including the Apia Harvest Centre Church in Samoa.
Dr. David is also the Founding Director and C.E.O. of Destiny Heights Sdn. Bhd. a Consultancy and Training Company specializing in empowering and equipping leaders for the 21st century. He is a highly sought after International speaker who conducts leadership courses involving managerial executives of all spheres, equipping them to be on the cutting edge in their respective fields.
He also runs a business mentoring programme for selected businessmen internationally in the area of wealth creation, management and distribution. Another mentoring program under his care is his “Youth Mentoring Program” aimed at raising a new generation of leaders in all spheres of society across the nations.
As a noted entrepreneur, Dr. Jonathan David has received recognition as an honored member of the International WHO’S WHO Historical Society in the USA. He is also a lifetime member of the International Association of Business Leaders Inc, an association of exemplary leaders in business. He resides in Muar, Johor, Malaysia with his wife.