Church Chairman retires as a pensioner

The Chairman of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, Reverend Elder Tautiaga Senara, is now a retired Church minister (faifeau penisiona malolo manumalo.)
He was among 11 pensioners honoured during a special service held at the Jubilee Church at Malua on Wednesday.
Speaking to the Samoa Observer yesterday, Reverend Elder Senara said he was excited.
“As you can see I am smiling today, which means I am happy," he told the Samoa Observer. "It’s a great feeling when you retire from work and you know you’ve done something good for God, which gives me the greatest joy of my life.”
Rev. Elder Tautiaga said he was happiest about having his children and family around him.
He credited God for all that He has blessed him with.
“All I can say is I am happy and all the glory be to God who made it possible for us.”
Reverend Elder Senara was supposed to retire last year when he turned 70 years old.
However, he was elected as the Chairman of the Church during the Malua annual conference then.
At 71 years now, he's calling it a day.
Reverend Elder Senara was appointed as Vice Chairman for the C.C.C.S church back in 2011 .
Prior to the position of Chairman, he was also involved in other committees within the church that includes the Development Committee, Education Committee, Elders Committee, Finance Committee.
Reverend Elder Tautiaga Senara and wife Olita Senara have been serving the Matautu Falelatai parish for 25 years.
Although leaving Matautu Falelatai, the place they have called home for the past 25 years may be hard for both Reverend Elder Senara and his family, he is excited about the next step in their journey.
He said he is leaving everything open to God for his plan.