Anti-vaccination seminar planned for Samoa cancelled

Taylor Winterstein, the wife of N.R.L. Panthers Samoan star Frank, has cancelled overseas anti-vaccination seminars - including one she planned to be held in Samoa next month.
This follows backlash that her beliefs could wipe out Samoa’s population, with some health experts criticising her “concerning beliefs”.
Daily Mail Australia reports that Mrs. Winterstein, who does not immunise her kids Ziggy and Hendrix, cancelled her $200-per-ticket “Making Informed Choices” seminar in Samoa and New Zealand.
Samoa’s Ministry of Health Director General, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri described the seminars as a “public health threat”.
“One serious virulent virus can wipe out this population in less than two weeks,” Dr. Naseri told this newspaper in an earlier interview.
On her Instagram, Mrs. Winterstein said she cancelled the seminar because she “knows for a fact organised groups are working hard to sabotage” her from spreading her beliefs, said the Daily Mail.
“This is no joke. The hostile vaccine climate we are all living in today is no joke,” she wrote.
“In the past the-of-two has claimed parents were ‘bullied’ and ‘pressured’ by doctors to immunise their children, said the Daily Mail.
However, her Perth workshop is still pushing through. An online invitation to a workshop reads: “The benefits of vaccines are constantly over exaggerated and the risk of an adverse reaction severely downplayed by politicians, journalists and GPs”.
The World Health Organisation has said the anti-vaccination advocates are “quite concerning”, and is not “supported by science”, according to W.H.O. Technical Officer Lisa Menning.
According to the Daily Mail, last month Mrs. Winterstein was slammed by medical experts for pushing a "purple powder" Enzacta PXP. Enzacta powder claims to safeguard against cancer and heart disease.
According to her website, Mrs. Winterstein is a qualified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.