Aerobic leads to healthy mind and body

By Talaia Mika 17 May 2019, 12:00AM

The National University of Samoa's (N.U.S.) Faculty of Education and the Samoa gymnastics are working to promote aerobics in primary schools and colleges across the country. 

The initiative is focused on developing student teachers and their knowledge in aerobics as a way of educating both the mind and body before they enter the work field.  

N.U.S Gym Manager and President of Samoa Gymnastics, Punaoleola Tiupata Muaitau, said this is a good opportunity to take aerobics out to the schools and communities. 

"Right now we know that our country has a high number of diabetics and so we just want to prevent and reduce that, and make our nation a healthy.

"One part of aerobic that's very important is safety. So that when you change from another move to another move, nobody gets hurt while we're doing the exercise."

This will also help to develop the students learning abilities, Mrs. Muaitau said.

"We believe that our Samoan people are strong in the arms and the legs so it's one of the sports because not all the students are good in rugby, soccer or netball but it's gymnastics that will open doors to them to become healthy and live normally," Mrs. Muaitau added.

The programme will also add to their assessments in school.

Student teacher Mose Lameko said his knowledge in aerobics has developed his self confidence and made him feel healthy and fit. 

"Aerobics is a good practice and I love that it's both developing me personally and educationally," he said.

The programme was held yesterday at Vailima Primary School. 

By Talaia Mika 17 May 2019, 12:00AM
Samoa Observer

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