Dr. Tuitama bids farewell to Ministry of Health

The former Minister of Health, Tuitama Dr. Leao Tuitama, was farewelled by the staff of the Ministry of Health (M.O.H.) Friday as he takes on his new role as the Minister of Women, Community and Social Development.
The farewell was held at the M.O.H's conference room. It was an emotional moment for the M.O.H. staff, with Tuitama described as a good leader and a humble friend.
In his farewell speech, Tuitama said he will miss the ministry, and although he's moving on to another area of work, he is just a phone call away.
Tuitama was presented with gifts in form of money, gift hampers and framed photographs along with his Associate Minister, Salausa Dr. John Ah Ching, who will also join Tuitama at the Ministry of Women.
Speaking to the Samoa Observer, Tuitama reminded that public ministries tend to make mistakes in their line of work, but M.O.H. has always strived to work with integrity.
"I have been in this Ministry (M.O.H.) for quite some time now that I was able to understand the job the nurses do here and from that experience, I'm confident that whatever mistakes we did in the past years, we did it out of the intention to improve our service to Samoa."
He also advised the nurses and doctors to always be mindful of their job as people's lives are in their hands.
"To my dear colleagues of M.O.H, I acknowledge your effort in the past years and I wish to say that always be mindful of your jobs. The people's lives are in your hands and I am proud of the time we have spent together.
"The M.O.H is not a small Ministry as well and I am proud that it can relate to what I used to do here in the M.O.H."
Chief Executive Officer, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri acknowledged Tuitama for his wonderful service over the past years.
Faimalotoa Kika Stowers will now take on the role as Minister of Health.