Clean water supply reaches Asau

A $2 million project to supply clean water to hundreds of people residing in Asau district is well underway with a new borehole supplying the affected families.
The newly constructed system supplies villages of Sataua, Fagasa, Vaisala, Auala and Asau Savai’i.
In the past years, the water supply to the villages was high on salinity level where sea water is pumped together with water supply.
But thanks to the work of the Samoa Water Authority (S.W.A.), the issue of unclean water consumed by people of the district has been resolved.
The Minister of Works, Transport and Infrastructure, Papali’i Niko Lee Hang, said the villagers can now have access to clean water as opposed to before.
“Everyone likes clean water and everyone should have access to it,” he said. “It took long to find a borehole and they have eventually found it. It is a big project where not only did they have to find a borehole the connection of water pipes is required and to supply it to households.”
S.W.A. worked tirelessly for about 11 months to dig the borehole, which is estimated to be 216 meters deep.
According to a matai from the Asau district, Suisala Iona Maiava, who was featured in a video put together by S.W.A., for many years the villagers had to drink salty water due to the salinity problem.
“When the tide is low the water is drinkable,” said the matai. “But when the tide is high the water is so salty that even if you boil it for tea and try to put sugar it you cannot drink it.
“With the new supply we are thankful that we can finally have access to nice clean water…we are glad that we have this new supply which is clean because of our elderly, our children and our people.”
Works at the Sataua water project has been going on for two years with a new system being constructed.
S.W.A. is waiting on a new 250 kiloliter tank to assist with extension of supply to the whole village of Asau.
The project is funded under an E.U. grant specifically for water supply development for the country.