Vaivase Primary ready to welcome Federated States of Micronesia

By Soli Wilson 01 April 2019, 12:00AM

Vaivase Primary School students, staff and teachers have all put in the effort to prepare for the Pacific Games in July, specifically to welcome the team Federal States of Micronesia.

School Principal, Sa'o Tolai, said for the preparations, they got everyone involved, from students to staff including parents.

"It’s not an easy task for the parents to come in and be a part of the preparations but because of this, it gave us a chance for us to ask the parents to come be a part of the preparations for the Pacific Games," Sa'o said.

"And see what they have done," Sa'o said pointing to the gardens in front of the classrooms.

While the cost of the paints for the preparations came out of her pocket, she said the preparations has been a great opportunity to keep their environment clean.

"I bought the paints from my own pocket, due to the pressure of getting things ready for the Pacific Games and so the teachers and students came in to paint the flags.

"Not only does it entice people to come and see but also to make sure that we keep our environment clean," she said.

She also told Samoa Observer that this was a great way for them to also teach the students the importance of teamwork when it comes to preparing for visitors.

"This has planted a seed in the students’ hearts that when it comes to preparing for visitors, it’s very important to work together for the betterment of Samoa’s name in the future.

"This has also shown the students that when it comes to visitors, it is not only preparations for food, but also the outside and inside of families," she added.

Vaivase Primary's Pacific Games preparations for the Federal State of Micronesia includes a well managed garden, foam cups spelling out "Federal State of Micronesia" on their front game, flags hung around schools as well as big paintings of the state's flags on school buildings and water tanks.

By Soli Wilson 01 April 2019, 12:00AM
Samoa Observer

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