Youth call on MPs to improve nation

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 10 March 2025, 3:00PM

The young generation believes that time is being wasted in parliament with the current political impasse while work remains to be done for the betterment of Samoa.

While some say they do not understand what the whole fuss is about. 

Teresa Aruni, 22 years old, said she tuned in to one of the parliament sittings and was surprised at how members of parliament spoke and expressed their opinions on issues.

"It's just sad, that our people chose them because they believe that they will be able to serve Samoa. But I tuned in to yesterday's (Friday) session and I was speechless at the way they addressed each other and the issue at hand," she said.

"As a youth, I expected more from them. I can't say much as I was not able to vote in the last election but next year for sure. I hope that they solve their differences and stand united as Samoa is watching."

Charles Amataga said he was very confused with the different things said in parliament and hoped that whatever their fight was about, it was for the betterment of Samoa.

"If the shouting and arguments will help improve Samoa's life and infrastructure then that's great. But if it is for nothing, then I suggest that they stop it and turn their focus on the work that needs to be done. There is so much work to do for Samoa to move forward than wasting it in arguments. Urging our parliament to use their seats well and do something that will make Samoa a better place," he said.

Other youth members who did not wish to be identified said there was no use in asking for their opinion as it doesn't affect what is taking place in parliament. They believe that their opinion does not have any relevance in the political crisis, despite that it does have an effect on them.

One of their concern is that some cultural values seemed to be forgotten during these debates. One of those values included respect. They hope that the sun will rise and those who were chosen by their districts will do something for the country and the people of Samoa whom they have sworn to serve. 

"We might not understand the cause of all this, but I am certain that they can solve this without ruining the other person's integrity. They all have families, and we are Samoans. We might all be related somehow. I don't want to take sides but to be fair, they should all learn to respect each other and just stop with the slandering. It is very disheartening as we, the youth as well as the young ones are hearing and seeing all these take place."

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 10 March 2025, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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