Samoan judiciary participates in judicial exchange

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 05 March 2025, 2:00PM

Eleven members of the Samoan judiciary are in New Zealand as part of the New Zealand Samoa Judicial Exchange, an initiative that started two years ago.

“The idea for these exchanges originated during discussions between New Zealand’s office of former Minister for Courts Aupito William Sio, Secretary for Justice Andrew Kibblewhite and our office, Te Whare, in the lead-up to the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship between Samoa and New Zealand in August 2022,” said Chief Judge Heemi Taumaunu.

“The inaugural exchange took place in 2023 in Samoa with a delegation from New Zealand made up of District Court judges and Te Whare and Ministry of Justice staff. It was a great opportunity for each of our countries to learn from the other’s judicial culture and we had many valuable conversations both at and in between formal events.

“This week, New Zealand provides the setting for further such conversations and to return the hospitable reception Samoa gave us two years ago.”

The program is facilitated by the Chief Justice of New Zealand Helen Winkelmann along with other hosts Judge Heemi Taumaunu (Chief District Court Judge of New Zealand), Jacquelyn Moran (Principal Family Court Judge of New Zealand), Judge Ida Malosi (Principal Youth Court Judge of New Zealand), Marcus Akuhata-Brown (Pou Whakatere – Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Justice NZ), and Reuben Lewthwaite (Director, Te Whare - Chief District Court Judges Chambers).

Chief Justice Winkelman mentioned that her priorities included facilitating access to justice, connecting the courts to the community, supporting a more representative judiciary, and making the courts more resilient to enable them to deal with disruption and change. Chief Justice is concerned with positioning the courts to benefit from the adoption of new technology, without compromising the human quality of the justice system.

During the first day of the program, the Samoan delegation was welcomed by a lunch with gifts presented to them by the host country. It was followed by a drive down to Hamilton to the Oohaakii Marae to experience the Maori Customs and Traditions. The Oohaaki shared the importance of marae in their upbringing as well as their children and shared their connection with the past and present generations.

There was a presentation by leaders and members of the Maori Parliament House of Waikato on the history and their experience of their fight for survival. There were visits to the burial place for the Kings and Queens of Maori tribes, the College for the Waikato College Whanau, and the University of Waikato.

The Samoan judges on Judicial Exchange are Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese, Senior Judge Talasa Atoa-Sa'aga, Judge Alalatoa Rosella Viane Papalii, Judge Matautia Raymond Schuster, Judge Loau Donald Kerslake, Aumua Roni Fereti (ACEO Mediation and Matai Registration Division), Tofilau Sina Faapoi-Kaitani (ACEO Criminal & Civil Courts Division), Leitufiaoatua Sharon Taafuli-Boysen (ACEO Policy & Censor Division), Laulu Miriama Elisaia (Acting ACEO for Law and Justice Sector Secretariat), Leiataua Esther Florita Schuster-Mamea (Deputy Registrar / Principal Court Annexed Mediation Unit - Criminal & Civil Division, and Faanofonuu Luaiva Maugatai Mata'uiau (Deputy Registrar Supreme Court).

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 05 March 2025, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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