Filipino fined $4K for meth

By Marieta Heidi Ilalio 06 February 2025, 8:00AM

A Filipino woman caught with methamphetamine while transiting through Samoa in July of 2024 was lucky to escape jail time but was slapped with a $4,000 fine by the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

Arianne Fae Timblique pleaded guilty to the offence and was sentenced on Wednesday.

Senior Supreme Court Judge Justice Vui Clarence Nelson in delivering his sentence reminded Timblique that a monetary fine given by the court does not mean cases like this are not taken by the court seriously.

Justice Vui said the monetary penalty given is a reminder that the court needs to hold the defendant accountable for the offences she committed and that these crimes are not tolerated.

When she first appeared in the Supreme Court last year, Timblique pleaded not guilty to the two charges against her.

She was initially charged with possession of narcotics namely four clear plastic bags with meth in them and one of possession of unlawful ammunition. 

Justice Vui said the reason why this Filipino national was given a monetary fine was because she pleaded guilty to both charges against her, she has a clean record and showed remorse for the crimes she committed.

According to the summary of facts, Tmblique came out of the airport in July and checked in again the next morning and while going through screening the machine, the alarm was raised as she had a bullet in her possession. 

Upon being searched by aviation security, four packets containing methamphetamine weighing 0.83 grams were found on her. 

The defendant was told to pay $2000 for the charge of possession of methamphetamine plus the prosecution cost of $500, probation cost of $250, court cost of $250 and in default she will have to serve six months imprisonment.

For the charge of possession of unlawful ammunition, she was fined $500, $300 as prosecution cost, a probation cost of $100, and another $100 for court costs and in default she will have to serve three months imprisonment.

The defendant was told to pay the full monetary fine within four weeks.

Representing Timblique was Quentin Sauaga and the prosecutor was Leinafo Taimalelagi.

By Marieta Heidi Ilalio 06 February 2025, 8:00AM
Samoa Observer

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