I am clean says La'auli as he heads down to the police

Cabinet Minister and Fa’atuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.) party Chairman, La’auli Leuatea Schmidt said he is innocent of accusations against him as he heads to the police station in Apia this morning to be formally charged.
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and long-term Member of Parliament for Gagaifomauga No.3 went public on Thursday night about allegations connected to a teenager’s death four years ago.
La’auli said his involvement started from allegations brought by opposition members that accused him and former M.P. Vaele Paiaaua Sekuini of the death of Tuuau Fa’asavalu in April 2021.
He said this was when he did all he could to assist the police in providing clarity and assurance that these allegations were untrue and went further by providing evidence to support the investigation.
He claimed in the video that the cabinet also recommended bringing in overseas police to assist the Ministry of Police in their investigation but the response was that there was not enough evidence.
Despite his efforts to assist police and going public on television to clear these matters, he said he has been targeted for trying to shine the light into the death of the unsolved death of the teenager.
La’auli then revealed he wanted to inform everyone of the latest progress saying on Friday morning at 10 he will be going into the police station to get charged connected to the death of Tuuau.
“I am clean from all of this,” the Cabinet Minister declared.
He added he is confident and comforted in the Lord because that the truth will prevail.
He also appealed to his constituency, his supporters and family to keep calm as nothing is hidden under the sun and what’s done in the darkness will be brought to the light