Suspected kidnapper's family uncooperative

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 12 October 2024, 12:00PM

The ongoing investigation into an alleged kidnapping case has taken a complicated turn, with the family of the suspect reportedly refusing to cooperate with law enforcement officials. 

Police Commissioner Auapa’au Logoitino Filipo confirmed this in response to queries from this newspaper on Friday morning. 

The police commissioner’s comments were sought following a live video shared on Facebook by the suspect’s brother, who vehemently disputed the allegations against his sibling. 

He claimed that the 17-year-old girl involved in the case had been to their home multiple times and suggested that they were in a relationship. 

However, Commissioner Auapa’au expressed confusion over the family’s public declarations, noting, “It is quite odd that they are making comments online when they are not cooperating with police.”

Despite the family’s right to present their perspective, Auapa’au emphasised the importance of their cooperation with the ongoing investigation. 

“So why hide then?” he questioned. “If what they are saying is the truth, why aren’t they cooperating with police and hiding from police? Why not come forward and give his statement to police?” 

His comments highlight a growing concern regarding the family’s reluctance to engage with investigators while publicly refuting the allegations.

The investigation was initiated earlier this week after police received reports concerning the 17-year-old girl, who had gone missing from her family on Monday morning and returned home on Tuesday afternoon. 

Following her return, authorities took statements from the girl, prompting a deeper inquiry into the circumstances surrounding her disappearance. 

When asked whether the girl had been examined at a hospital, Auapa’au confirmed that she had indeed received medical attention. 

The doctor’s report reportedly supports the girl’s account of events, crediting the police's concerns. The victim had reported to police that she was sexually assaulted by the suspect. 

On Thursday, the police issued a public notice seeking assistance in locating the suspect, identified as 21-year-old Willow Lealofi Faisauvale, also known as Willie Lealofi. Authorities have cautioned the public not to approach Faisauvale if he is spotted.

The case began when the victim, a resident of Leauva’a, was sent by her mother to purchase phone credit from a shop along the main road. 

It is alleged that while she was returning home, a vehicle stopped to ask her for directions. After providing guidance, the suspect reportedly insisted that she enter the car to assist further.

In an interview earlier this week, the victim’s mother expressed her family’s struggle to cope with the trauma of the incident. She described the experience as a “living nightmare” and acknowledged the long road ahead for her daughter in healing from the ordeal. 

However, she conveyed a profound sense of relief that her daughter is safe and alive, a sentiment that resonates deeply within the community as the investigation unfolds.

As authorities continue to gather information, the focus remains on ensuring the safety of the victim and bringing clarity to this distressing situation. 

The community is urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings of the suspect as the investigation progresses.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 12 October 2024, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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