Ghana gives flags to Malie

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 28 September 2024, 4:00PM

A call for assistance from the villagers of Malie to a country located in West Africa was received well with Ghananians handing over flags to help with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) decorations.

The women representative of Malie, Galumalemana Lakisa Toelupe said they had contacted the Ghanaian Ambassador for help particularly flags for their CHOGM preparations. 

She said the village was told that assistance was on the way but not sure when, so they started preparations and Ghana was their adopted nation for the project. 

Galumalemana said the village of Malie is well aware of the importance of CHOGM and receiving flags from Ghana marks the beginning of a new partnership with the country. 

“We greatly acknowledge the assistance and this has fostered a new relationship with the people of Ghana,” she added. 

The women's representative said the village council was appreciative of the assistance and happy to add it to the top of their preparations. 

The head of World Health Organisation in Samoa Dr. Kim Eva Dickson was among the Ghanaians presenting the flags from their Ambassador to Malie. 

She said she only got the news on Thursday that there the flags had arrived to be presented to the village that adopted Ghana. 

Dr. Dickson and the Ghanaian people based in Samoa were touched by the preparations and claimed it was the best-decorated village. 

“When I got here I was amazed and touched by the billboards they put up welcoming Ghana,” she said. 

“I think the Ghana decoration is the best and they put up flags and sign boards with our local language on it which is beautiful and really touches us.

“I really hope the Ambassador and the President can appreciate all of this and hope they can visit and appreciate this.” 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 28 September 2024, 4:00PM
Samoa Observer

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