Ice lands 21-year-old in jail

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 27 September 2024, 2:00PM

An investigation by police that suspected methamphetamine being sold in front of a shop in the Faleata area led to the arrest of a 21-year-old man who has been jailed for six months.

Galuefa Ti’a Toese of Vaiusu and Vailoa Faleata appeared before Supreme Court Judge Justice Leiataualesa Daryl Clarke for sentencing this week.

He pleaded guilty to charges of possession of methamphetamine, and possession of utensils. 

According to the prosecution summary of facts accepted by the defendant, on 22 June 2024, police suspected narcotics were sold in front of Tina’s store at Vaigaga. 

Police arrived at 10 am, located Toese in front of the store and conducted a body search. 

They found one clear plastic bag containing methamphetamine weighing 0.016 grams, and one clear glass pipe in his pockets.

The court heard when police asked the defendant about the items he replied it was ice and a pipe. 

The defendant is 21 years old and is the youngest of five children. Toese attended St Joseph's College until Year 11 and was expelled for fighting with another student. 

He was employed in various jobs including the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, followed by a Chinese company that he left because the pay was poor. He was earning $100.00 per week. 

 The defendant told the Probation Service he began drinking and smoking marijuana when he was at St Joseph’s College. 

Justice Clarke said the defendant spoke about his experience in prison and that imprisonment was a waste of time where he was wasting away his life. 

The judge also noted his appreciation of seeing the mother of the accused in court and how fortunate he was to have her support. 

"So many young men come before the court with no family support,” he said. 

“It is obvious that she loves and cares for you. She however says that you can be disobedient and have been led astray by the friends you keep. 

“That you are disobedient and 'malovale' shows by the fact you were expelled from school for fighting. Despite being in court just last year and you are back, says the same to me.”   

Furthermore, the court told the defendant he must understand that the road he has chosen for his life will likely not end well. 

The prosecution sought 18 months as the starting point for sentencing considering the defendant reoffended while under supervision for a previous offence. 

From an 18 month sentence start point, Justice Clarke deducted three months for Toese’s remorse. He also deducted more time for his relative youth and that his decision to try “ice” was likely foolish youth. 

Justice Clarke said he extended a greater deduction than what he would ordinarily extend of six months and three more months for an early guilty plea.

The defendant was sentenced to six months imprisonment. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 27 September 2024, 2:00PM
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