Nofoalii hopes meet Belize delegates

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 21 September 2024, 3:00PM

Nofoalii stands out as you travel to the airport from Apia with its scenic lookout painted with the colours of the Belize flag. The village is hoping they get to meet the Belize delegation.

Women's committee member Telesia Televave said they were nearing the completion of their preparation for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

They are hosting Belize, a nation on the eastern coast of Central America, with Caribbean Sea shorelines to the east and dense jungle to the west.

"As you can see, we have completed some of our work but there is still work in progress with our decorations for the big event. We have built this scenic lookout already, but if you look at the two poles in the front, they are the last part of this work," she said.

"Our village had fundraised for it. We started with $10,000 and some money from the tourists. But I believe our preparations right now have already cost us $40,000 and we are yet to complete everything."

According to Telesia, the village was deciding to turn the scenic lookout into a tourist attraction after the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. It could be a way for them to earn some money which will go into the development of their village.

"We put all our trust and prayed to God before we started our preparations and so far it's looking good. There is work that needs to be done and we are hoping that by the end of this week, we will be done with everything. 

"We took our time with our preparations because if we did it earlier, people would get tired of seeing it. But we are working towards finishing it before our guests arrive."

They also have high hopes of hosting the Belize participants if given the green light by the Government. She said it would be the highlight for C.H.O.G.M if they were given a chance to host the Belize delegation.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 21 September 2024, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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