No charges in school brawl

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 19 September 2024, 11:00AM

In the wake of a recent brawl involving students at the Savalalo market, police confirmed that no students were charged or detained. 

Police Commissioner Auapa'au Logoitino Filipo provided this information in response to queries from the Samoa Observer.

According to Auapa'au, the police were summoned to the market following reports of the disturbance, but by the time they arrived, the students involved had fled the scene. 

He indicated that law enforcement is actively investigating the incident and is seeking video footage to help identify those who participated in the altercation.

The incident gained traction on social media, where a video showed students from Malua Fou College engaging in a violent confrontation. 

In the footage, students in Malua Fou uniforms were seen throwing rocks at a bus transporting students from St. Joseph’s College after school. 

The chaotic scene drew the attention of bystanders, many of whom were seen fleeing in panic, while some attempted to intervene and stop the aggression.

Members of the public who commented on and shared the video circulating online expressed serious concerns about the students' behaviour and urged that they be held accountable for their actions.

The Principal of Malua Fou College, Lasi Tavae acknowledged the situation when contacted by the Samoa Observer. 

She confirmed that the school administration had been made aware of the brawl but stated that they were unable to determine the cause or identify the students involved at that time. 

She emphasised that discussions have been initiated with the principal and faculty of St. Joseph's College to address the matter constructively and to prevent future incidents.

This brawl is not an isolated incident; it marks another chapter in the ongoing tensions between the two schools, which have a history of confrontations. 

Such repeated incidents raise concerns about student safety and the need for effective conflict resolution strategies within the school communities.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 19 September 2024, 11:00AM
Samoa Observer

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