Eight districts for CHOGM First Harvest

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 17 September 2024, 3:00PM

Eight districts have signed up to participate in displaying their first harvest in October to representatives attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). 

The Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F.), Seuseu Dr. Joseph Tauati confirmed the details of the CHOGM first harvest programme in a press conference. 

Seuseu who also chairs the Catering sub-committee recently told the media the first harvest programme, often referred to as Talomua will run from 20 October to 21 October in various locations. 

Vaimauga No.1 and Vaimauga No.2 will stage the fruits of their first harvest at the Fugalei market, Vaimauga No.3 and Vaimauga No.4 will host theirs at Marist Primary School in Mulivai. 

Faleata No.1 and Faleata No.2 will set up at Lepea and Faleata No.3 and Faleata No.4 have their display next to Farmer Joe in Vaitele. 

According to Seuseu, the display from the farmers will greatly help accredited caterers for CHOGM with their produce going to good use for food preparations. 

He also used the opportunity to appeal to businesses and suppliers to pre-order their stocks in bulk mindful of the Matautu International Port’s closure during the meeting. 

Seuseu urged the suppliers to stock not only for the October meet but enough to also meet the demand from the locals. 

The temporary closure of the port is from 19 to 26 October to accommodate the berthing of the Cruise Liner, Pacific Explorer, which will host distinguished guests for the summit.   

Meanwhile, the Catering Chair said they are finalising contracts for vendors who have expressed interest in preparing food for the conference. 

He added there is a ban on using pork and beef meat for catering in the official meetings and the caterers will be cooking for overseas delegations and government officials working for CHOGM. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 17 September 2024, 3:00PM
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