Faleatiu shines bright for C.H.O.G.M.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 15 September 2024, 4:00PM

As you drive past Faleatiu, it’s impossible not to be captivated by the stunning decorations adorning the village, all meticulously crafted in anticipation of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M.). 

This vibrant display is the result of a remarkable collective effort, involving everyone from the high chiefs and women's committee to the untitled men, youth, and even the young children of the village.

In an insightful interview, village mayor Matagi Tufanua Pati elaborated on the extensive preparations, highlighting the significance of unity for a noble cause. 

"We are hosting an event of immense importance, and this is our community's way of supporting our government in ensuring the meeting’s success," Matagi explained.

Faleatiu’s proximity to Faleolo International Airport means that all visiting delegations will experience the village’s splendour firsthand. 

Recognising this, the community has joined forces to clean and decorate the village, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression on its distinguished guests. 

"Our aim is for every visitor to be delighted by the beauty of our village and to see the splendor of our country," Matagi stated.

The meticulous preparations have been underway for weeks, with Matagi acknowledging that there is still more to be done. "We’re not finished yet. We’re adding additional decorations in anticipation of the next visit from the Samoa Tourism Authority (S.T.A.)," he noted.

A significant portion of the funds for these decorations has come from the Women's Committee, which has been diligently raising money through weekly bingo games. 

"The women are truly the masterminds behind the enchanting decorations you see," Matagi revealed. "But it’s a community effort—everyone has poured countless hours into this project, often working late into the night and early in the morning to make sure everything is perfect."

Matagi proudly reflected on the honour of being the first Pacific Island nation to host a Commonwealth meeting. 

"This is our chance to showcase our country to the world. Though we may be small, we have big hearts and the capability to achieve great things. We want to demonstrate our values, especially our renowned hospitality," he said.

He also expressed gratitude to the Commonwealth leaders for selecting Samoa as the host for this significant event. "We may never have another opportunity to host a Commonwealth meeting. This is why we must give our best and work together to make this meeting a success."

Faleatiu’s preparations extend beyond decoration. The village has implemented measures to ensure the event’s smooth execution and the safety of all visitors. 

"Security is paramount," Matagi emphasised. "We need to maintain a respectful atmosphere to complement our beautiful surroundings. To this end, we have introduced curfews from evening until midnight and have requested that families keep their dogs and pigs confined to their properties. Stray animals may be dealt with to ensure the safety of our guests."

Additionally, each village in the district has received financial support from the District Council to aid in their preparations, further illustrating the collaborative spirit driving this extraordinary effort.

They are hosting Antigua and Barbuda.

During the interview, it was disclosed that when the village struggled to locate a flag representing the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda in Samoa, the women’s committee took matters into their own hands. Displaying remarkable ingenuity, they procured white fabric and paint and crafted the flag themselves.

Faleatiu is also known as the home of Samoan boxer, Toalepai David Tua. 

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 15 September 2024, 4:00PM
Samoa Observer

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