Trio bound for Japan study

By Shalveen Chand 07 September 2024, 3:00PM

Three Samoans have been given a chance to gain qualifications at prestigious universities through the JICA Scholarship Program.

The Sustainable Development Goals Global Leaders Program 2024 will see three talented individuals given a chance to do more for Samoa.

Jimmy Leausa and Derek Leota have been granted admission to pursue their undergraduate studies at the prestigious Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.

Mee Hwa Malofou Maureen Atimalala has been granted admission to study for her postgraduate qualifications at the prestigious St. Luke's International University.

Yumiko Asakuma, JICA Resident Representative conveyed her best wishes to the recipients.

She said may the studies in Japan be filled with personal growth, success, and the fulfillment of realisation of their aspirations.

Gatoloaifaana Tilianamua Afamasaga, the Commissioner of the Public Service Commission (PSC), who spoke on behalf of the Government of Samoa, congratulated the scholars on this significant milestone and advised them to excel in their studies.

Jimmy Leausa, a teacher by profession, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to further his education, as he had to pause his studies at NUS. Emotionally, he shared that this would be his first time being away from his family and friends to pursue studies abroad. His focus within the Sustainability Tourism Program at APU is to delve deeper into effective waste management, particularly in relation to plastics.

Derek Leota, who initially contemplated declining the scholarship offer, now expresses his gratitude for the chance to pursue his studies in Japan. He will be specialising in Sustainability and Tourism, with a specific focus on data science and information systems.

Recognising the untapped potential in Samoa, he believes that data-driven decision-making can greatly contribute to sustainable development. As an IT professional, Mr Leota aims to address the pressing need for data-driven decision-making in Samoa.

Ms Atimala who is of Filipino and Samoan heritage, possesses a strong passion for nutrition due to her background in the field. Through her participation in the SDGs program, she aims to enhance her knowledge of nutrition and epidemiology, equipping herself to better serve the healthcare sector in Samoa. Currently working as a National Codex Specialist Consultant at the FAO, she is committed to making a positive impact.

“Once again, JICA would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations to the deserving ecipients. We would also like to express our gratitude to their families and friends for their unwavering support. Last but not least, we would like to acknowledge the Government of Samoa, through the PSC and MFAT, for their continuous support of JICA's Development Studies Program, including the SDGs Scholarship Program,” said JICA in a statement.

By Shalveen Chand 07 September 2024, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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