Ministry of Lands now open

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 06 September 2024, 9:00PM

The new Ministry of Lands and Survey officially opened its doors from its new location at the Tuanaimato Golf Course where the Samoa Land Corporation was housed. 

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa delivered the keynote address to mark the milestone that has been on the discussion tables for almost a decade. 

A logo for the new Ministry was also revealed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster.  

Fiame said there were many challenges in managing the lands under the different offices noting different requirements given to members of the public that sought land. 

There was also a high demand from the public to utilise government land to develop and live on and another concern was the unfair distribution of land and the increase in unpaid leases. 

In 2015, Fiame said the Cabinet initially decided to consolidate all landholdings registered under various government ministries to come under one ministry or corporation; Land Board under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (M.N.R.E.), Samoa Trust Estate Corporation (S.T.E.C.) and Samoa Land Corporation (S.L.C.). 

In 2016, the Cabinet ordered the committee to provide records on the government’s decision in 1991 that led to the establishment of government ministries and entities that managed public land. 

According to the Prime Minister, in 2017, further decisions were made instructing the Minister for M.N.R.E. and M.P.E. to compile a report to confirm the number of lands under the government entities. 

It wasn’t until 2018 that a final report from the Committee was submitted and endorsed noting the continuation of operation of M.N.R.E., S.T.E.C. and S.L.C. in managing the government lands. 

In addition, the report noted preparations of a master plan on how to utilise public land and clarify public land as well as reaffirm land survey and registration of land.   

There was also a recommendation to review the laws governing lands managed under the government ministries and to confirm the status of land including customary, government and freehold land. 

Fiame said that all these years the planning of the new Ministry was discussed and eventually in February this year the cabinet endorsed its establishment to manage all lands. 

She added on 1 July the new ministry was officially established following the approval of more than $8 million allocation under the budget for its operation. 

There are plans to propose for further funding from the supplementary budget in December and legislation is forthcoming to legally officiate the transition. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 06 September 2024, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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