Top Cop in Tonga

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 03 September 2024, 1:00PM

Police Commissioner Auapa'au Logoitino Filipo is participating in the 51st Conference of Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police in Tonga. 

This significant gathering brings together top law enforcement officials from across the Pacific to engage in critical discussions under the theme, "Our Blue Pacific on the Global Stage."

In an interview with the Samoa Observer from Tonga, Auapa'au emphasised the importance of the conference, highlighting the collaborative effort to address key regional policing priorities and enhance security throughout the Pacific.

A central focus of the conference is the Pacific Policing Initiative concept, a transformative approach developed by Pacific island nations with support from the Australian Federal Police.

The Pacific Policing Initiative concept which has been extensively consulted with member countries and diplomatic stakeholders, includes three main pillars. These are:

1. Regional Training Centres of Excellence: These will be established across the Pacific to provide specialized training and skill development for regional law enforcement.

2. Pacific Police Support Group: This multinational response unit will offer collective assistance in addressing regional security challenges.

3. Support Hub: This hub will coordinate the establishment and operation of regional training centres and the Pacific Police Support Group, ensuring effective implementation and support.

The initiative received endorsement from Pacific Island Leaders at the recent 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, underscoring its regional significance.

Auapa'au noted the relevance of this initiative to Samoa, especially in light of the recent opening of the new Police Academy. 

"As we recently opened our Police Academy, it's important that we participate in this meeting and advocate for using our new facilities as a central hub for regional training within the Pacific," he remarked.

The Pacific Policing Initiative aims to bolster the region's capacity to address security challenges outlined in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the 2018 Boe Declaration on Regional Security. 

By focusing on regional collaboration and support, the initiative seeks to strengthen the overall effectiveness of Pacific policing.

Additionally, the conference offers Auapa'au a valuable opportunity to express Samoa’s gratitude to regional partners who have agreed to assist with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) scheduled to take place in Samoa next month. With the security and safety of high-level delegations being a priority, Samoa’s police force deeply appreciates the support from fellow Pacific nations.

The conference continues to provide a platform for regional leaders to discuss and develop strategies that enhance security cooperation and address shared challenges in the Pacific region.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 03 September 2024, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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