Figiel make bail request again

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 20 August 2024, 7:00AM

Well-known playwright Sia Figiel has made a bail application after previously indicating her intent to enter a guilty plea for the murder charge.

Sia Figiel reaffirmed her position through her lawyer Unasa Iuni Sapolu when she appeared in the Supreme Court on Monday. 

The prosecution lawyer from the Attorney General’s Office, Maiavatele Timothy Fesili told the court that after careful consideration they will proceed with all charges including murder. 

In response, the defence said the defendant would maintain her not-guilty plea and wished to reinstate her bail application. 

The prosecution continues to oppose bail for the accused and will now head to a bail hearing to determine her release. 

Justice Fepuleai Ameperosa Roma scheduled the bail hearing for 9 September before Senior Judge Justice Vui Clarence Nelson.

Figiel has been in custody since the death of Professor Caroline Sinavaiana Gabbard in May. 

Two weeks ago Figiel through her lawyer decided to drop the bail application filed before the court and indicated the possibility of changing her plea. 

It is understood that the defence wanted a plea bargain from the prosecution to drop the murder charge and they would reconsider their plea for the lower charge of manslaughter. 

Meanwhile, the court has already scheduled the substantive hearing for March next year. 

It is not clear what happened to the psychiatric assessment that Figiel applied for and the progress on that application. 

Police reported the incident was only brought to their attention a day after Prof. Gabbard died with her body discovered at Figiel’s property at Vaivase-uta. 


By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 20 August 2024, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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