Cabbies to undergo customer training

By Faynihanthia Fereti 15 August 2024, 2:00PM

Taxi drivers will now receive customer service from the Samoa Tourism Authority as part of an effort to improve the overall customer experience in Samoa.

Acknowledging taxi operators' pivotal position in molding a visitor's perception of Samoa, this initiative seeks to guarantee that customers and visitors have excellent service from this indispensable transportation provider. 

The Samoa Tourism Authority's principal for training and education officers, Sheena Ng Lam Stowers, stated in an interview that this was implemented to raise the bar for taxi drivers' customer service to improve services and prepare everyone for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

She said in addition to raising the bar for service rendered by taxi drivers, this training program will help advance the general objective of positioning Samoa as a top travel destination.

Taxi drivers are often the first point of contact for visitors arriving in Samoa. The training program will equip them with the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service, from maintaining professional conduct to understanding and catering to the needs of diverse passengers. It will also focus on enhancing the drivers' knowledge of Samoa's tourist attractions, cultural heritage, and customs, all contributing to enriching the overall travel experience.

This program, which is especially pertinent given that the nation is getting ready to host delegates for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), is entirely funded and supported by the Government of New Zealand with assistance from local partners.

“Our team has been collaborating with EMD Limited, Samoa Business Hub, and Oloamanu Training Center to create a program that is suitable for drivers of taxis,” she said

“Although these programs last three to five days, we need to go outside the norm to attract as many participants as possible, considering the nature of work that taxi drivers do.

“The key objectives range from proper personal hygiene, safety procedures, vehicle cleanliness, etc.

“To create such a program for our taxi operators, we also make an effort to collaborate with LTA and other important stakeholders.

“We are making every effort to contact stand taxis to entice them, and we are also training drivers to give customers—especially foreign visitors—the most accurate information possible.

Additionally, Mrs. Stowers emphasised that they are working to guarantee that all information made available to the public is accurate and consistent.

“Since they often provide visitors with their first impressions, taxi drivers do have a significant impact on society. For this reason, they must be well-versed in their roles and have the necessary knowledge and abilities.

“Because taxi operators and services are not within the purview of our sector, we think that expanding our reach through transportation services is important. Tourism is everyone's business.

The training is scheduled for this month at allocated locations around Upolu and Savaii.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 15 August 2024, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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