Minister hits back at Lakapi Samoa

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 13 August 2024, 8:30PM

The Government has hit back at Lakapi Samoa claiming the union never applied for funding to participate in the Northern Hemisphere tour nor asked for grants in the current financial year. 

In a statement issued by the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Laumatiamanu Ringo Purcell on Tuesday afternoon he reminded the Europe test is not new and is an annual event planned 12 months in advance. 

Laumatiamanu said the Lakapi Samoa did not submit a special proposal for the Manu Samoa 15 team to partake in the upcoming Northern Hemisphere tour. 

He said there was a proposal in April last year asking the government to allocate a full $1.5 million for Lakapi Samoa’s operation and plans. 

However, the Minister pointed out the proposal was made near the end of the 2023 – 2024 financial year and the state was trying to budget its funding for the remainder of that financial year and its priorities at the time. 

He explained by the time the proposal was submitted there was already a proposal from Team Samoa heading to the Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands and $500,000 was allocated to it. 

According to the Minister, the Lakapi Samoa proposal in April was rejected given it was already near the end of the financial year and mindful of its assistance to the Samoa Olympic team. 

He added although the $1.5 million proposal was not approved, the government did provide support through a $600,000 grant for the World Cup in October last year. 

“For clearance and the information of Samoa, there was no official proposal submitted by Lakapi Samoa for this purpose in the new financial year for 2024 – 2025,” said Laumatiamanu. 

The response from the government follows public statements from the Chairman of Lakapi Samoa, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi accusing the government of ceasing monetary support to the union. 

Tuilaepa wrote to the World Rugby Chairman in July informing them of Lakapi Samoa’s decision to withdraw from the Europe tour noting “significant financial challenges” faced by the union. 

He stated the financial realities faced necessitate a more cautious approach to ensure its sustainability and to “avoid the embarrassment of being the first small union to go bankrupt”. 

Just last week Tuilaepa told the press that Lakapi Samoa has decided to do fundraising to celebrate its 100-year anniversary and the proceeds will go towards Manu Samoa 15 participation in the Europe tests. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 13 August 2024, 8:30PM
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