Josh is happy to be in Samoa

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 13 August 2024, 10:00PM

An ava ceremony was conducted on Tuesday afternoon to welcome the Hawaiian-born singer, Josh Tatofi with roots in Tonga at the Samoa Tourism Authority fale. 

Upon receiving his ava he mentioned how grateful and honoured he was to be in Samoa for his first-ever concert.

"I am hoping for a great concert on the weekend," he said.

Pacific Cast representative, Doctor Tua said it was a dream of Josh to visit Samoa and all the Pacific Islands.

"He was born and raised in Hawaii, with Tongan ancestry. That was his dream to come to the South Pacific. It's good that we kicked it off in American Samoa last week so now we're looking forward to bringing fire over here."

According to Tua, the turnout in American Samoa was massive and he hopes the turnout this weekend would match it up. The concert is estimated to last an hour and a half.

Reigning Miss Samoa and Miss Pacific Island, Moemoana Safaatoa Schwenke welcomed Josh and his group along with representatives from Digicel. The ava was done by the Aumaga Dance group and STA.

Moemoana is a fan of Josh's music. She said his music is from the heart, speaks to the soul, and makes all Pacific Islanders proud. 

The Josh Tatofi Concert will be at the Multipurpose Gym, Tuanaimato on 17 August.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 13 August 2024, 10:00PM
Samoa Observer

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