Vaiala to mark centennial celebration

By Faynihanthia Fereti 08 August 2024, 6:00PM

One of the oldest rugby clubs in the country, the Vaiala Ulalei Rugby Club has announced its plans for celebrating its 100th year. 

According to a statement from the club committee, the centennial celebration will commence with a church service, procession, corporate dinner, and a two-day international sevens tournament.

Club President Valavalatumanu Siaopo Pese stated in a gathering held at the village that the plans have been approved by the celebration committee and village council.

“As Lakapi Samoa is also celebrating 100-year anniversary it is proposed that the original clubs will be marching during a special Lakapi Samoa parade on Tuesday 27 August," he said.

“Vaiala Ulalei, being the first ever rugby club in the country, will be there along with Apia Rugby Club and other club teams like Moata’a Rugby Club."

A Taumafa Samoa Corporate Dinner event will be held on Friday the 30th with only authentic and ordinary cuisine  served.

“The size 2 and moa Samoa population will be under threat during our Taumafa Samoa Dinner,” said Valavalatumanu hinting at an abundance of traditional food for the dinner.

“The main attraction for the celebrations is of course rugby!

Teams from American Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Hawaii are expected to compete in the international sevens competition, that will take place from September 6th to 7th.

Vaiala Ulalei Rugby was founded by the MacDonald brothers Tuiasau Tuala Alec and Angus, grandson of Vaiala Village LMS Pastor Rev Luteru Tuiasau, who served from October 1906 to June 1913, as well as numerous Vaiala, Moata'a, and Apia village players who have passed on.

“We remember and honour these pioneers in rugby as we celebrate this milestone in our village sporting prowess,” said Tofaeono an elderly from the village.

In part of the commemoration, all members will get souvenirs commemorating the club's dominant years in Samoan rugby.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 08 August 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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