Business struck by criminals again

By Faynihanthia Fereti 07 July 2024, 1:00PM

A business owner is again looking for a more reliable security provider and will install surveillance cameras after her business was targetted by thieves for the second time this year.

The Phat Burger eatery was broken into before dawn Wednesday morning. The concern is that if the burglaries continue, it could lead to either employees being laid off or even closure.

The front house manager, Will Iopu, stated in an interview with Samoa Observer that they will no doubt install CCTV and submit a formal report to the police in the hopes of apprehending the burglars in addition to ending the string of break-ins they have been enduring.  

Once again, electronics were taken and additionally, the business' safe was also stolen. However, the failure to open the safe, had the thieves return it.

Iopu said that the safe's return, in which the thieves came around the back through the river and flung it over the property after ripping over the keypads trying to unlock it, was hilarious. He said nothing inside the safe was taken as it was not breached.

Nevertheless, the business suffered a loss of close to $10,000 and if it was more it would have also resulted in employee layoffs, causing a negative impact on each individual financially and emotionally.

Additionally, he went on to say that the proprietor and the employees, who relied on the eatery for daily sustenance and income, had a difficult time dealing with this. 

"This is a lot on us, especially our boss Kelly who has been getting around through difficult times since her spouse passed away. However, things have not been easy for anyone."

"I'm just thankful that Phat Burger survived to fight another day despite everything that we’ve been through."

Businesses have raised the issue of an increase in burglaries around the area and in Motooutua. Shops and businesses have been targetted.

Recently, the police stated that this was the work of a gang involved in such crimes. 

By Faynihanthia Fereti 07 July 2024, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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