No casualties reported from road accidents

By Shalveen Chand 03 July 2024, 10:00PM

Two road accidents occurred at separate locations on Tuesday but no reports of casualties have emerged.

The first one happened at Aleisa where a white Toyota Landcruiser had a collision with a blue Toyota Noah.

Samoa Observer went to the scene of the accident and discovered from witnesses that no one was seriously injured.

According to witnesses, an elderly lady behind the wheel of the Landcruiser was believed to be at fault. It is believed that the driver of the vehicle may have fallen asleep causing her to speed and hit the blue Toyota Noah.

The accident is believed the have happened around 4 pm on Tuesday.

The second accident on Tuesday night is of concern. The accident happened close to 10 pm. From interviews conducted at the scene of the accident, it was discovered that one of the vehicles, a black Mercedes Benz, a classic model and another vehicle were racing.

According to one witness, the two vehicles were towards Malifa at high speed while a car from the opposite side turned right at the intersection leading to the Police Station and Island Rock.

Witnesses said the Benz hit the red hatchback.  The Benz ended up close to the gates of the Cultural Centre. People were taken to the hospital but so far there have been no reports of casualties.

Police were quick to the scene after calls were made and controlled the late night traffic.

The police in the past have issued stern warnings about people racing. The police are asking people to stay within the speed limit.

In an incident in Vailoa last year, a woman was killed when hit by one of the two vehicles racing along the busy highway.

Members of the public have been urged to call the police at once if they see people involved in racing.

By Shalveen Chand 03 July 2024, 10:00PM
Samoa Observer

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