Solofa takes a Forum top job

By Shalveen Chand 03 July 2024, 6:00PM

Desna Solofa has left the Government of Samoa to join the Pacific Islands Forum as the Deputy Secretary General–Governance.

The former Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Relations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s new job came into effect 24 June 2024.

She previously served at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat as Political Issues Adviser (2009-2011) and Director Political Governance (2012-2015).

Welcoming the appointment, Forum Secretary General Baron Waqa said Deputy SG Solofa brings a wealth of experience to her role which will involve working closely with Forum members, CROP agencies, regional and multilateral agencies, and development partners.

He noted that Solofa's career and senior executive position at the national level, combined with her prior regional experience.

"She is an excellent fit for the 2050 implementation and related priorities set by our Leaders.   Her expertise is well recognised within and outside the Pacific and underscored by her extensive understanding of the Secretariat's technical advice to high-level political leaders across all areas of regional political development, governance, and security,” he said.

As the incoming DSG leading Governance, Deputy Solofa will work closely with fellow Deputy SG Esala Nayasi, who leads Strategic Policy and Programmes, and with Directors and their teams across Corporate, Programs and Initiatives, Governance and Engagement, and Policy divisions.

The new position aligns with the implementation of the Suva Agreement and returns the Pacific Islands Forum to a two-deputy executive led by Secretary-General Baron Waqa.

By Shalveen Chand 03 July 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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