New surveys planned to uplift data

By Jacquelyn Jimenez Romero 03 July 2024, 8:00AM

Several surveys including the National Health Survey and the National Population Census will be conducted towards the end of this year and next year.

This was announced at the workshop organised jointly by the Samoa Bureau of Statistics and the World Bank at Taumeasia Island Resort on Tuesday.

Acting Government Statistician Laulu Siala Lova said statistical information provides an indespinsible element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the government, the economy, and the public.

He said in the era of evidence-based policy-making, official statistics make up the foundations for policy or decision-making that impact citizens and communities.

In light of this, the SBS will now embark on new surveys that will lead to increased data for policymakers. One of the surveys earmarked will be on disability. The National Health Survey will identify the number of Samoans with lifestyle diseases and also help improve the public health system.

Medical experts have been urging the government to do a health survey and to include children in it as well. The Census which is planned for next year will give true data on Samoa's population.

The data provided by ministries, households, and businesses is used by SBS to create reports that the government, businesses, and other agencies can use to inform policy-making decisions. 

“It’s important in improving policy and decision making,” said Leota Aliielua Salani, the government statistician. “The whole idea of our service and our work is for people to be happy.”

The SBS has partnered with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNDS) and the World Bank to conduct multiple surveys across the country to increase data to better inform policy decisions in Samoa. 

The workshop included the launch of the Regional Hub On Big Data and Data Science for Asia and The Pacific. 

Located in Jakarta, Indonesia, this new hub which started in November plans to partner with the United Nations and other organisations to help provide more data for the Pacific Island region, which often tends to be left out. 

“Official statistics are the bedrock of informed decision making and policy formulation, they provide a reliable foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of government programs, allocating resources, and measuring progress towards national and international development goals,” said Gabriel Gamez, inter-regional adviser at UNSD. 

By Jacquelyn Jimenez Romero 03 July 2024, 8:00AM
Samoa Observer

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