Aeau ready for CHOGM role

By Faynihanthia Fereti 30 June 2024, 2:00PM

Leveraging the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture as a learning platform, the chair of the Protocols Committee is positive about the preparations for managing over 300 liaison officers during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

Aeau Chris Hazelman is the chair of the CHOGM protocols committee, and Elita Tooala serves as co-chair.

Preparations for the forthcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa are well underway, with assurances from the Protocols Committee, who will be in charge of overseeing all liaison officers.

In an interview with Samoa Observer on Friday, Aea'u said, "I am using FestPAC as a learning platform in handling the CHOGM and all the mistakes I saw at FestPAC, I am hoping that it will not be made in CHOGM."

Aeau hoped for a smooth and productive CHOGM and illustrated that they have a solid understanding of the complex laws and traditions that regulate people's conduct in work settings. 

Aeau additionally made it clear that in light of protocol duties, they will be responsible for organising meeting logistics, such as coordinating travel, lodging, and meal arrangements for participants and overseeing the agenda and schedule. 

"Being able to interact and become affiliated with our neighbouring countries has given me new perspectives and will greatly contribute to what our country is looking forward to in a few months. Each day brought new teachable moments from the huge attendance that packed the event."

In June, Samoa dispatched a group of 70 attendees to Hawaii to attend the festival, including painters, writers, artistic teachers, and traditional tattoo artists.

Hawaii was hosting the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts for the first time in the Festival’s 52-year history had brought together over 2,000 of the best artists and dancers from more than 20 Pacific Islands countries and territories. The event took place at the Hawaii Convention Centre in Oahu.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 30 June 2024, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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