Sir Tom Marsters recalls Avele days

The King's representative of the Cook Islands, Sir Tom Marsters delivered a heartfelt speech as he was given the honour of cutting the ribbon for Avele College's new hall, Sinaleavele, reminiscing on his time in school back in 1960 when he first entered.
In his speech, Sir Marsters highlighted that he does not mind repeating the part of his life when he was attending Avele College, with the loving memories with his peers who have passed and so much more.
"I can honestly say that I don't mind repeating that part of my life," he said with tears. "There are so many memories. When I entered the grounds yesterday, I felt the spirit of my peers who have gone before me.
"I felt the spirit of love that I found when I entered these grounds in 1960. I felt the weight that was upon my house when I left in 1962. I stand here to say to my brothers who have passed on, thank you very much for being friends, and brothers, and it is a great honour for me today to cut the ribbon to open this place.
"When I entered this college there was a fale here, an old building but it was covered with laufala. Today I see a different type of cover but I think the purpose for it is no different.
"I can see a lot of functions being held in this place, I can see the college making money from this place renting the place out for weddings and whatever else is there.
"But once again, to the old boys of Avele, thank you very much and to the new kids of Avele, please carry on the beautiful legacy of this place."
Sir Marsters and his wife Lady Tuaine were given the honour to cut the ribbon before the rest of the gathering entered to take photos and have a look around the new hall which will cater for different purposes of the school as well as the Avele College Old Pupils Association (A.C.O.P.A.).
The Fale Samoa hall was earlier this year anticipated to cost approximately $500,000.
Meanwhile, the Cooks Islanders who also attended Avele College stood alongside Sir Mrasters in tears as he recalled their time in Avele, supporting him.