$30m price tag for Savalalo market

The total cost of the construction for the Savalalo market is $30 million, $5 million more than what was announced earlier.
The project is funded under a partnership between the government of Samoa and New Zealand. The redevelopment is part of a major government project to enhance the Apia central business district.
The rebuilding of the Savalalo market in its original location is under the watch of the Samoa Land Corporation. SLC might not see the completion of the project as they are being deregistered as a state-owned enterprise.
The Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) for S.L.C., Ulugia Petelo Kavesi explained the announced $24.9 million at the groundbreaking is for the construction work only.
The government of New Zealand pledged NZ$12 million (equivalent to $20 million) in April 2023 while the government through S.L.C. contributes $10 million.
Ulugia said the breakdown of the $30 million a substantial amount of $24.9 million goes towards construction work which does not include the project management cost.
He said an estimate of $1.1 million inclusive of VAGST is for the project manager Tinai Gordon and Associates Company Limited.
“The rest goes towards other costs like the Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.) report, permit fees and that’s all within the $30 million package.”
Asked if the corporation had the required funding for its share, Ulugia replied it was all within the $30 million total cost.
No variation has been made to the Apia Waterfront project that will house small business entrepreneurs such as flea market operators, handicrafts, small restaurants and offices.
The detailed design and construction of the new Savalalo Flea Market project is expected to take 18 months and will be completed in August/September 2025.
The Cabinet following the completion of the Government procurement process approved the Tenders Board recommendation to award the design and build phases to Zheng Company Limited, a local company with the winning bid price of $24.9 million tala.