Violent free holiday call

More than 2,000 young girl survivors of sexual abuse have gone through shelter care support with the Samoa Victim Support Group.
There are 5,000 unemployed nofotane women survivors of violence now being economically empowered to support themselves and their families.
SVSG celebrates Mother's Day with thanksgiving, for the lives of the women survivors of gender-based violence being saved through its response and prevention work.
This year, SVSG recognised the role of men; young and old, who have taken up mother-figure roles in their families as single parents or as siblings who have lost their mothers. You are the unsung heroes, and we applaud you for your courage.
In a statement, SVSG gave a special cheer goes out to all the mothers who have given their lives to serve our community through the work of SVSG; either as a carer for abused women and children at the shelter, a counselor for callers to the Helpline requiring counselling support, or as village representative advocating for violence free families.
"Your sacrifices, unconditional love, and devotion to serve the abused and the most vulnerable are saving lives," said SVSG.
"On this special day, let us celebrate the love, appreciation, and gratitude we have for our mothers. For our beloved mothers who are no longer with us, we honor your memory. Your legacies continue to shine brightly in our hearts.
“As a community, let us honour our mothers by celebrating their special day with love and care. Let us enjoy a violence-free Mother's Day today and every day. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of Samoa!"
"Your hard work and dedication are appreciated and valued.” said Siliniu Lina Chang, SVSG President.
“We would also like to express our gratitude to the main telecommunication companies, Digicel Samoa and Vodafone Samoa, for your sponsorship, which enabled our communities to call on the Helpline for free. Thank you for loving our Samoa.
“To the Samoa Gender Partnership Program, as an initiative of the Tautua by DFAT, thank you for identifying the gap and providing the finances to support the Helpline Operators to man this important part of our services.”
SVSG’s free Helpline 8007874 remains open to receive calls throughout this long weekend.