Soifua Manuia Clinic helps over 5,000 patients

By Talaia Mika 03 May 2024, 10:00PM

The Soifua Manuia Medical mission has had a successful wrap up of their outreach program helping over 5,000 patients in Samoa through seven different hospitals in Upolu and three in Savaii.

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, the clinic was able to provide healthcare at the hospitals, through outreach programs, support and during their speaker exchange sessions. 

The U.S. Embassy said it was grateful for the productive collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority, the Ministry of Police Prisons and Corrections Services, the National University of Samoa, the Oceania School of Medicine over the past two weeks. 

Their dedication to improving the health and well-being of the people of Samoa was instrumental in the success of the Soifua Manuia mission.  

The Embassy also acknowledged the support and contributions of Tuatagaloa Joe Annandale and the Poutasi Development Trust for the Soifua Manuia Health Fair. 

“The Soifua Manuia mission serves to provide healthcare services for the people of Samoa. Due to the increase in personnel for the April mission, we were able to station sixteen doctors and nurse practitioners in Savaii at the Malietoa Tanumafili II Tuasivi Hospital, the Safotu District Hospital and the Sataua District Hospital," said Chargé d’Affaires Noriko Horiuchi.

"The Soifua Manuia team were also invited to three schools in Savaii to provide oral hygiene awareness talks. This is the overall purpose of the Soifua Manuia Medical mission: to provide healthcare and to with the community through health, nutrition, and prevention talks.

“For the Health Fair, we are looking at making this a mobile event, and discussions are underway to secure the next location, to target communities in the rural areas of Samoa.”

In addition to the healthcare services provided to the general public, the Soifua Manuia Medical team conducted subject matter exchange programs with the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services, the Ministry of Health, and the Samoa Police, focusing on Emergency Medical Services, especially tactical and mass casualty response. 

The course required a 50-hour session followed by a mass casualty simulation to build team coordination, response, leadership, and communication. 

For its community outreach and engagement, the Soifua Manuia team was invited to schools in Savaii to build awareness of oral hygiene and provide check-ups. 

The outreach was a success due to the great support from the Ministry of Education and Culture and the teachers and staff of Sataua/Fagasa Primary School, Gataivai Primary School, and Safune Primary School. 

Before concluding their mission, the team held a Health Fair at the Poutasi Memorial Hall for the public residing on the southeast side of Upolu. 

The Fair included a collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the National University of Samoa - School of Medicine and the Oceania University of Medicine. 

The Health Fair was a huge hit as it brought in more than 300 people for free health check-ups, the children joined in on games and activities that promote healthy living, and entertainment was provided by the U.S. Pacific Fleet Band ‘Big Wave’. 

The U.S. Embassy said it looked forward to building upon the success of the April mission as it prepares for the return of the Soifua Manuia Medical Mission in late June. 

By Talaia Mika 03 May 2024, 10:00PM
Samoa Observer

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