Palauli No.3 maximises on district grant

The district of Palauli No.3 has made the most of the $1 million district grant by using the fund to cover education, tourist sites, agriculture and fisheries.
Palauli No.3 was amongst several districts on the island of Savaii that had their projects financed by the $1 million development grant inspected by the Steering Committee last week.
The district is made up of Faala, Vailoa, and Vaitoomuli villages and is represented by Associate Minister, Lagaaia Tiaituau Tufuga.
Villagers came out to greet the Steering Committee that was made up mostly of Cabinet Ministers and Government officials that went to see the progress of work from each district.
For Palauli No.3 their developments were not limited to one area and covered projects from the women’s committee, school computer laboratory, rubbish stands, and marine protected area.
The village of Vailoa used their portion of funding to build a security house and lavatories facilities for tourists who come to swim at the Afu Aau waterfall.
The Palauli Primary School had a share of the $1 million that went towards its computer lab, installation of air condition and rugby uniform for the school.
According to the school principal, they have two rugby teams that are champions for the secondary school 7s tournament and another cup for the XV's team.
In an interview with the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development (M.W.C.S.D.), the school principal was extremely grateful for the funding from the district grant that has helped in maintaining school facilities and acquiring better learning material for children.
According to Vaotoga Lauaki Laulualo from the Palauli No3 district council, the first disbursement prioritised agricultural and fisheries activities from families of the district.
The second tranche, she said, went towards the three villages' forestry projects and a marine project for clams.
She added the third disbursement was divided amongst the three villages to assist with their projects such as tourist attraction sites with the goal the villages can get revenue to make other developments.
The district extended its appreciation to the Government for the grant that has allowed them to use towards projects and activities they feel are their area of priority and focus.
The Steering Committee will resume their inspection for the remaining districts in Upolu this week.