Toloa wharf still in discussion

The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Laaulialemalietoa Polataivao Schmidt has confirmed that a proposal for a new wharf to be built at Toloa for fishing boats is still in discussion by the Cabinet.
The proposal was made close to two years ago.
In an interview with the Samoa Observer, Laauli was queried about an update on the wharf and whether it has been given the green light by the government.
"No firm decision is made, still in discussion," he said.
Asked for specifications on how the government plans to use the planned wharf and how beneficial this will be for Samoa, he said "no further comments" as "the project is still in early discussion".
The proposal for the new wharf to be built specifically for fishing boats and to expand the fisheries office at Toloa, Mulifanua was put before the Cabinet in July 2022.
The plan by the Government to build a new wharf at Toloa was confirmed by both the Minister of Works Transport and Infrastructure, Olo Fiti Va'ai and Laauli at the time.
The revelation was made when the two Cabinet Ministers spoke during the Government response to the 2022-2023 Appropriation Bill in 2022 where Olo said they had already paid a visit to Toloa, where the marine training center or the Samoa maritime school used to be at Mulifanua, and have proposed for the new wharf to be built there.
"I went with La'auli to Toloa and it's the perfect location for this new development," Olo had said. "Discussions are now underway by the Ministry of [Agriculture and] Fisheries to secure funding for this project."
La'auli also said that the establishment of a wharf, particularly for fisheries and fishing boats in the country, is a project that should have been done a long time ago.
"There's a lot of development that needs to be made for the fisheries division," La'auli said. "We want to invest and focus on that area as it seems like it's always been neglected because it usually comes second to agricultural developments.
"That is why this proposal is important and it is now in the hands of Cabinet for deliberations.
"The current wharf for fishing boats is getting crowded with so many boats and being near where the main port is located so we need to build another wharf mainly for the fishing boats.
"We now have more than a hundred fishing boats at the current location and an expansion is not necessary given the number of boats and containers at Matautu.
"They need the space and we therefore have to move the wharf so that our fisheries division can be fully developed."
La'auli also indicated that the development of the new wharf could also cater to the establishment of a fish factory at Toloa to process fish for export.
He added that the opening of a fish factory could provide employment opportunities for the people of Samoa.
"We have an office at Toloa at the moment, but this proposal will ensure that the fisheries division under our Ministry can be fully developed in its full potential so we can earn a lot from it," he said.
"There's a lot of interested donors who are keen on assisting us with the development of the fisheries division and we are optimistic about this proposal."