Sinamoga shooter remains a risk

By Faynihanthia Fereti 02 April 2024, 6:00PM

The suspect who was responsible for the drive-by shooting that took place in Sinamoga last month continues to remain an existential risk to the community and the general public.

The incident led to a 21-year-old being hospitalised with a serious injury, while a student in Year 10 grade sustained minor injuries from the same bullet.

In an interview with this publication, Police Commissioner Auapaau Logoitino Filipo said that while there have been several leads on the gunman, police continue to investigate them thoroughly and acknowledge that there is a high risk of threat from the perpetrator.

“This case continues to pose high risks because the shooter has not yet been apprehended, and authorities are working to confirm all of the public's leads,” he said.

However, he continues to urge residents of Sinamoga and the neighbouring areas to come forward with any relevant information that would assist in identifying the culprit and resolving this case.

There have been rumors that a Toyota Vanguard was involved in the incident, however Auapaau cautioned against making immediate conclusions. "Our top goal is to ascertain the incident's facts," he emphasised in a previous interview.

Meanwhile, the shooting targeted two young men, Richard and Logan Seiuli. The incident has sent shockwaves through the village, raising questions about safety and security.

Initial reports have indicated that the shooter was driving a Toyota Vanguard, though this has yet to be confirmed. Speculation emerged about the motive for the attack, with some claiming it was the result of a roadside encounter.

As the investigation progresses, the neighborhood deals with the fallout from violence that has broken their feeling of security. Despite the chaos, there is a glimpse of hope as neighbors come together in solidarity, aiming to restore the peace that once distinguished their community.

Sinamoga's resilient spirit perseveres in the face of hardship, demonstrating the steadfast power of a community banded together in the search of justice and healing.

Moreover, the community eagerly awaits the victim's closure and justice, with law enforcement relying on public support and collaboration to apprehend the perpetrator. 

By Faynihanthia Fereti 02 April 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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