$36m road works approved
The Tenders Board and the Cabinet have approved $36 million for road routine maintenance services in Upolu and Savaii for 2023 to 2025.
The majority of the maintenance work is for the main island of Upolu where $20 million worth of contracted work has been awarded to 11 companies of the 17 that bid.
According to the Ministry of Finance records on Tenders Board awards, the contracts for the 11 zones in Upolu start on 17 January 2024.
The highest contract was awarded to A & A Engineering Construction Ltd for Zone 10 at the cost of $2.2 million, second to Ott Constructors Ltd for Zone 1 to the tune of $2.1 million.
In Savaii, a total sum of $14.8 million was distributed to eight bidders approved to carry out maintenance work in the eight zones.
12 companies put forth their proposal to maintain roads in Savaii.
Other major road works approved by the Tenders Board include capital works in Upolu for the current financial year to the tune of $3 million.
The upgrade work is for roads in the Faleata and Vaimauga district.
Upolu Capital Works for Lot 1 approved in January and implemented by the Land Transport Authority saw three construction companies being awarded with the road works contracts.
According to the Tenders Board, Ulia Construction Ltd was awarded work in Faleata and Vaiala worth $1.6 million for road upgrades.
The Ott Constructors Ltd secured Apia (CBD) work worth $767,576 and the Savalalo project at the cost of $511,395 totaling $1.2 million.
Lucky Construction Ltd won the bid to do work in Moataa for $160,544.
Seven companies submitted bids for Upolu capital works but only three got the okay to carry out projects in the five different villages.
In Savaii capital work the Tenders Board gave the green light to TM Transport Ltd to reconstruct the access road in Saipipi for $500,560.