Govt. gives to elderly homes

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 01 March 2024, 11:00PM

The financial assistance to caretakers of the elderly in Mapuifagalele and Logoipulotu from the Government goes a long way for the homes that depend solely on charity. 

The Ministry of Women Community and Social Development (MWCSD) together with representatives from Mapuifagalele in Vailele and Logoipulotu Savaii signed the funding support this week.  

The Home for the Aged in Mapuifagalele received $50,000 and another $20,000 was handed over to Logoipulotu.

Sister Christina from Mapuifagalele thanked the Heavenly Father and the people of Samoa for their ongoing support through money and food. 

“Without their help, we won’t be able to help and manage to look after our elderly,” she said. 

“So we are thankful for everyone and our manufacturers, we pray for them.” 

Mapuifagalele currently cares for 43 elderly people and has a staff of 30 who are rotated so the residents can have around the clock care. 

Sister Christina said the funding would go towards purchasing bedding, diapers and wheelchairs for the elderly. 

The Minister of Women Community and Social Development, Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molioo said the money is to help the homes in caring for the aged. 

She said it is also a golden opportunity for the Government to thank the caretakers for their service. 

The $50,000 and $20,000 provided to the homes do not cater for all operations at the homes. The homes receive money from different charities and businesses that make their work possible as staff have to be paid and the homes need renovation.

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 01 March 2024, 11:00PM
Samoa Observer

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