Three more associate ministers

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 31 January 2024, 6:20PM

The three former opposition members who returned as members of parliament for the Government after by-elections have been sworn in as new associate ministers on Wednesday afternoon at the Cabinet chambers. 

The Member of Parliament for Siumu, Tu'u'u Anasii Leota is the new Associate Minister of Police replacing the M.P. for Salega No.1, Fepuleai Faimata Sua who was removed after his illegal travel to American Samoa. Tu'u'u will be assisting the Minister of Police, Faualo Harry Schuster. 

The M.P. for Faleata No.4, Ale Vena Ale has joined the Ministry of Customs and Revenue and is the second Associate Minister allocated for the Ministry. 

Mau'u Siaosi Puepuemai who is the M.P. for Vaa o Fonoti is now with the Ministry of Works Transport and Infrastructure and is the second Associate Minister for that portfolio.  

Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa and her cabinet together with a few family members witnessed the swearing-in ceremony. 

Fiame congratulated the Associate Ministers and said she was happy to have them assist in the executive arm's workload. 

She spoke about the members' return to office after competing against candidates from the Fa'atuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi (FAST) in the General Election and again made their return after the by-elections. 

The Prime Minister added other Ministries have more than one Associate Ministers and this is due to the workload of those Ministries.  

Ale thanked the Prime Minister and Cabinet for the appointment and assured them he would now stop making direct orders to the Government and is now ready with his colleagues to serve the country and lend their support to the Government. 

The appointments were made a week after the Opposition asked the Government not to appoint any further associate ministers as this was an increased expenditure. Associate ministers receive a salary higher than members of parliament and also get the use of a government vehicle.


By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 31 January 2024, 6:20PM
Samoa Observer

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